What is SEO Management?

To understand the role of search engine optimisation management by an SEO Agency and how these services can be used to improve your online visibility, especially in areas like Enterprise SEO and eCommerce SEO, we have created a comprehensive guide that explains what is involved and what you should be looking for.


In this guide, we will look into the fundamental aspects of SEO management, providing business and marketing leaders, as well as business owners, with the necessary knowledge to utilise these services effectively. We will explore the critical components that influence search engine rankings and offer practical advice on implementing strategies that work.


Whether you are newly acquainted with the concept or looking to deepen your existing understanding, this guide is designed to navigate you through the intricacies of SEO management. Our objective is to empower you with the insights to enhance your online presence and steer your business to a path of sustained growth.


What is SEO?


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) concentrates on boosting a website's visibility within the unpaid, or "organic," search results generated by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The primary objective is to elevate the website's position on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), which are the listings that appear when a user conducts a search for specific keywords or phrases.


SEO employs a comprehensive approach to improve a website's visibility in organic search results, covering on-page optimisation for elements like keywords and meta descriptions, and off-page strategies like high-quality backlinking and social media marketing. It also focuses on technical aspects, such as site speed and mobile-friendliness, as well as content marketing to engage audiences and establish authority. 


For local businesses, local SEO techniques are applied to attract customers in specific geographic areas. Analytics tools like Google Analytics are used to monitor key performance indicators, ensuring the ongoing effectiveness of the SEO campaign.


What is SEO Management?

an infographic on what is SEO management

SEO Management goes far beyond the basic task of optimising a website for search engines. It includes a holistic approach that aims to improve a website's overall performance in search engine rankings by managing a complex ecosystem of interconnected elements. This framework is not limited to the website itself but extends to external factors like backlinks, social signals, and even the ever-changing algorithms of search engines.


• Strategic Planning: At the core of SEO Management is strategic planning, which involves identifying both long-term and short-term SEO goals. It is about understanding the audience, the competition, and the details of various search engine algorithms. The strategic plan serves as a roadmap, outlining the steps and tactics to achieve these goals, whether it's increasing organic traffic, improving page rankings, or enhancing user engagement.


• Execution: Once the strategy is in place, the next step is execution. This involves various tasks, from content creation and on-page optimisation to backlink acquisition and social media engagement. Each of these tasks is carefully planned and executed to align with the main SEO goals. 


• Monitoring and Analysis: SEO Management requires ongoing monitoring and analysis. Various analytics tools, such as Google Analytics or specialised SEO software, are used to track key performance indicators (KPIs) like organic traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rates. This data is then analysed to assess the effectiveness of the implemented strategies. If certain tactics are not yielding the desired results, adjustments are made. This could involve tweaking the content, revising the keyword strategy, or even overhauling the entire SEO approach if necessary.


Why is SEO Management Necessary?


The need for SEO Management stems from a variety of factors, each contributing to its role as an ongoing, rather than a one-time initiative. Below are some of the most compelling reasons that highlight why SEO Management is important:


• Consistency for Long-Term Success: SEO demands ongoing attention and consistent efforts to ensure that your website not only reaches a desirable position in search engine rankings but also maintains or improves that position over time. This includes regular updates to your website, from adding fresh, high-quality content to updating meta tags and improving site speed.


• Navigating a Competitive Landscape: Active and strategic SEO Management, often a PPC Agency or an Adwords/Google Ads Agency is really good at this, is crucial to either outperform your competitors or at least keep pace with them. This involves continually monitoring your performance metrics and those of your competitors to make data-driven decisions.


• Adapting to Algorithmic Changes: Search engines like Google are continually evolving, frequently releasing algorithm updates that can significantly impact your website's ranking. SEO Management involves staying ahead of these changes and adapting your strategies accordingly. This could mean anything from making minor tweaks to your keywords to a complete overhaul of your content strategy.


• Resource Allocation and Budget Management: SEO Management also involves the efficient allocation of resources. Knowing which strategies yield the best ROI allows businesses to allocate their time and budget more effectively. This is particularly important for small businesses and startups that operate on limited marketing budgets.


• Holistic Strategy and Goal Alignment: SEO Management makes sure that your SEO efforts are aligned with your overall business goals. Whether you aim to increase brand awareness, drive more sales, or engage with a specific customer segment, a managed SEO strategy helps you focus your efforts where they matter most.


Key Components of SEO Management


SEO Management involves a variety of components, each contributing to the overall effectiveness of your SEO strategy. These components can be broadly categorised into On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Technical SEO, and Content SEO. 


Understanding each of these categories and their individual elements is crucial for anyone looking to implement a comprehensive SEO Management strategy.

On-Page SEO


On-Page SEO serves as a solid foundation of your online presence, focusing on optimising the elements that are directly within your control—namely, the content and the HTML source code of your web pages. 


This category of SEO is really important because it sets the base for how search engines interpret and index your website. It is about creating a cohesive and user-friendly experience that matches with search engine algorithms.


Off-Page SEO


Off-Page SEO is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and adaptation to the ever-changing search engine algorithms. 


By building a solid Off-Page SEO strategy that includes high-quality backlinks, social media engagement, and positive customer reviews, you can significantly improve your website's authority, relevance, and trustworthiness, leading to higher search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.


Technical SEO


Technical SEO serves as the backbone of your website, focusing on the non-content elements that are crucial for both the performance and usability of your site. 


While On-Page and Off-Page SEO might get more attention, Technical SEO ensures your website is fundamentally sound, enabling it to be crawled and indexed by search engines effectively. Technical SEO plays a critical role in your website's search engine rankings.


Content SEO


Content, the fourth essential component of SEO Management, goes beyond text on web pages.It includes different types of information like images and videos that grab people's attention and encourage them to take action. Effective Content SEO involves crafting a comprehensive Content Strategy that aligns content creation, publication, and promotion with SEO goals and audience needs. Quality is important, demanding well-researched, accurate, and valuable content. Diverse content types, including videos, infographics, and interactive elements, increases user engagement. 


What Does SEO Management Include?

an infographic about the The Eight-Step Approach to Mastering SEO Management

Achieving higher organic search rankings and claiming the desired spot at the top of Google's search results necessitates a balanced approach. At Marketix Digital, we follow a well-defined and proven eight-step SEO management approach, concentrating on both on-site and off-site factors that empower a website to reach the top of search engine rankings.


Initial Website Audit


Kicking off with an initial website audit, we establish a vital baseline to map out the path ahead. This audit provides an SEO agency with essential information into the required enhancements for organic traffic improvement. It explores into a comprehensive analysis of current website metrics, traffic patterns, historical data, existing keyword strategies, and market positioning. Often, this audit serves as the basis of an SEO proposal to prospective clients.


Industry Research


A successful SEO campaign initiates exhaustive industry research. This phase unveils competitors' strategies and how they attract relevant users to their websites through SEO. Understanding market dynamics and competitor tactics permits the reverse engineering of a strategy that capitalises on these insights, reducing the trial and error typically associated with achieving SEO success.


Keyword Research


Arguably, keyword research stands as the pillar of effective SEO management. It involves discerning the variations between informational, navigational, and transactional search terms and studying competitors' approaches to market targeting. A skilled SEO manager can clearly identify which website pages are designated for specific search terms, understanding vital keyword research concepts like keyword cannibalization, density, and intent.


On-Site Content


Recent SEO statistics emphasise that approximately 50% of organic search rankings depend on the quality of on-site content. This includes the informative and transactional pages on a website that draw in relevant and motivated traffic. Keyword research directs the development of on-site content, steering clear of common SEO mistakes such as keyword cannibalization and excessive optimization.


Technical Optimisation


Technical SEO centres on ensuring website accessibility, crawlability, and usability to secure visibility in search engines and offer a seamless on-site experience for users. Typically managed by a specialist with advanced technical skills, technical SEO addresses various elements, including URL structure, structured data, duplicate content, redirects, and sitemaps, to name a few.




Backlinks, or external links, serve as trust signals to search engines. When reputable websites link to a piece of content, search engines infer its worthiness, thus elevating its rank. 


Content Marketing


An integral, ongoing component of successful SEO management, content marketing complements keyword research. It aims to attract high-quality traffic and reinforce transactional landing pages on a website. Content marketing diversifies web traffic and fosters trust with search engines by establishing the website as a thought leader.




Reporting is a vital component of effective SEO management, offering insights into key performance metrics such as competitor comparison, organic website clicks, impressions, bounce rates, and growth trends over time. Reports are tailored to specific key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with the overarching SEO goals.


What Does On-Site SEO Management Include?

an infographic on What Does On-Site SEO Management Include

On-site SEO management involves more than just using the right keyword. It's an ongoing effort aimed at enhancing individual web pages to rank higher in search engine results for a carefully-chosen set of keywords. 


Keyword Analysis


This serves as the solid foundation for your on-site SEO strategy. It requires careful research to identify keywords that not only have high search volume but also align with your business objectives. The aim is to find terms that your target audience is using to search for products or services like yours. 


Keyword Grouping


Once you've identified a list of potential keywords, the next step is to categorise them based on different aspects of your business or customer journey stages. For example, you might have one group of keywords for product descriptions and another for blog posts that answer common customer questions. This allows for a more organised and targeted SEO strategy.


URL Structuring


The structure of your URLs can significantly impact your SEO. URLs should be easy to read, include target keywords, and be free of unnecessary characters or words. A well-structured URL not only helps search engines crawl your site more efficiently but also improves user experience.


Image Optimisation


Images can slow down your website if they're too large, and slow-loading pages can hurt your search engine rankings. Compressing images and adding relevant alt text can improve both speed and accessibility, which are factors that search engines consider when ranking websites.


Internal Linking


Internal links help distribute page authority throughout your website, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index your content. The key is to link relevant pages together in a way that enhances the user experience. For example, a blog post about 'how to choose a laptop' could link to your product page featuring laptops.


Optimise Meta Elements


Meta titles and descriptions serve as your website's first impression on search engine results pages (SERPs). Crafting compelling meta elements can improve your click-through rate (CTR), which is another factor that search engines consider when ranking pages.


High-Quality Content


Content is king, as the saying goes. Producing high-quality, informative, and keyword-rich content not only helps in ranking but also establishes your brand as an authority in your field. This involves not just text but also videos, infographics, and other forms of content that engage the user.


Structured Data


Schema markup or structured data helps search engines understand the context of your content, enabling them to present it more attractively on SERPs. For example, a recipe page with structured data can display ratings, preparation time, and other details right on the SERP.


Content Readability


Last but not least, your content must be easy to read and understand. This involves using clear headings, short paragraphs, and bullet points to break up text. Tools like the Flesch-Kincaid readability test can help ensure your content is accessible to a broad audience.


What Does Off-Site SEO Management Include?

an infographic on What Does Off-Site SEO Management Include

Off-site SEO, also known as off-page SEO, significantly influences a website's ranking in search engines.. It primarily focuses on enhancing your website's authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines. 


At the core of off-site SEO are backlinks, which serve as trust signals to search engines. Each quality backlink your website receives essentially vouches for your content's credibility, thereby boosting your chances of ranking higher for competitive search terms.


Guest Posting


Guest posting is more than just writing an article for another website. It's about establishing relationships with industry influencers and reputable platforms where your content can add value. The objective is not just to get a backlink but to tap into a new audience, thereby increasing your brand's exposure.


Backlink Building


Backlink building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites that direct traffic back to your own site. These links are a major ranking factor for most search engines, including Google, as they signify the credibility and relevance of your website.


Brand Mention Link Building


This involves identifying instances where your brand or products are mentioned on other websites and converting these mentions into backlinks. This strategy can be particularly effective for improving your site's authority and trustworthiness.


NAP Link Building


NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone number. NAP link building involves ensuring that your business information is consistent across various online platforms, particularly local business directories. 


Anchor Text Diversity


Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. Diversity in anchor text means using different words or phrases when creating backlinks, rather than repeatedly using the same keyword. This creates a more 'natural' backlink profile and improves your SEO.


Essential Tools and Software for Mastering SEO Management

an infographic on the Essential Tools and Software for Mastering SEO Management

Having the right tools and software at your disposal for SEO Management can make a significant difference in your online success. These platforms offer a range of functionalities, from tracking website performance to competitive analysis, that can streamline your SEO efforts and provide valuable insights. 


Below are some of the industry-leading tools that are widely used for various aspects of SEO Management.


Google Search Console


Google Search Console is a free and powerful tool that offers direct insights from Google, giving you a clear understanding of your website's performance in Google Search. It provides valuable data on how your site appears in search results and helps you identify and resolve any issues that might affect its visibility. This tool is an essential companion for website owners and SEO practitioners aiming to optimise their online presence.


Google Analytics


Google Analytics is an important tool for individuals engaged in SEO and digital marketing. It offers comprehensive insights and analytics on web traffic, making it an essential asset for marketing strategies. With its detailed statistics, it provides the crucial data needed to optimise online performance and drive successful marketing campaigns.




SEMrush is a versatile SEO tool that goes well beyond conventional keyword research. With a wide range of features, it serves as an all-in-one solution, including competitive analysis, backlink tracking, and more. This tool is an invaluable resource for professionals looking to gain a comprehensive understanding of their online presence and enhance their SEO strategies.


Screaming Frog


Screaming Frog's capabilities extend beyond basic website audits. It allows for in-depth analysis of a website's structure, meta tags, and content, offering actionable insights to enhance on-page SEO performance. This tool is essential for website owners and SEO professionals seeking to optimise their websites for search engines and improve overall visibility.




Ahrefs is widely recognized for its backlink analysis capabilities, a vital aspect of off-page SEO. Additionally, it offers a suite of features such as keyword research, site auditing, and competitive analysis, making it a versatile tool for holistic SEO management. Its comprehensive insights empower website owners to optimise their content, monitor keyword performance, and stay ahead of competitors in search engine rankings.


Do I Need SEO Management Services?


Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the best way to bring people who are really interested in what you offer to your website, especially when potential customers are actively looking for the products or services you offer. Unlike traditional marketing methods that can be annoying, SEO puts your business in front of people exactly when they are ready to make a purchasing decision.


Not only is SEO a cost-efficient approach to get more people to visit your website, but it also cuts down how much you need to spend on costly paid ads like Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or various social media advertising platforms. For businesses that really depend on having a strong online presence for brand recognition, revenue generation, and customer engagement, SEO Management becomes a vital part of a complete online marketing plan. 


With the right SEO Management services, you can optimise your site for search engines, improve your rankings, and ultimately, increase your bottom line.




Search engine optimisation (SEO) serves as a strong way to attract high-value prospects who are really interested in the products or services offered on your website. By leveraging search platforms such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo, SEO brings a constant flow of organic traffic to your site, offering a lasting supply of leads that can help achieve your business objectives and make your brand more popular.


Whether you opt for an in-house approach or delegate this vital task to a specialised SEO agency, SEO Management is instrumental in shaping how your business appears on the internet.


Contact Marketix Digital today to discover how we can tailor an SEO strategy that aligns with your business goals and sets you on a path to long-term success.


Ready to elevate your SEO game? Contact us today for a complimentary SEO audit!